Saturday, April 24, 2010

Dare You To Move

I want to start off by saying this: Our God is the most wonderful and awesome Creator of this earth that we live on. He is in the sun, moon, stars and every living and non-living thing on the earth. This omnipotent, omniscient and holy God has been speaking to me a lot the past couple weeks and trying to tell me something. Last night, I believe I figured it out. Here's what is going on.

First some background: About a week and a half ago, God finally answered my prayers and provided me with the job I had been praying about for a long time. I am now part of the tech staff at Calvary Church that does special events. I basically do sound, lighting and/or whatever else is needed with a particular event. Since then, I have actually been at church quite a bit, not necessarily related to that of course. Also, I've been running tech for the high school ministry for about 6 months and the college ministry for about 3 years now. I'm at church at least 3 days a week, regardless of what else is going on!

For the past few weeks, I've been talking with a friend in the college group who has been very encouraging to me. He knows I've been wanting to work at Calvary for awhile and has reiterated several times that I should get paid for as much as I do help out. Not that this has any more weight than any of the other things, it is just pleasant to be encouraged. Thank you Tommy!

This past Wednesday, I had one of the best encounters I have ever had in the high school ministry. The night had just wrapped up and I was beginning to unwind. As I stood there talking with Blake, a couple of students walked over to us. The female student basically says to me: "Hi, I don't think we've officially met; but you're our tech guy and you're awesome have amazing hair. I just want to thank you for being here and.....ya. I'm Madison." That seriously made my week up to that point and will be the measure by which every one of my experiences as part of the high school ministry will be stacked against. Sure, it's good to hear how glad Doug, Melissa and Blake are to have me; but, it's infinitely better to hear it from one of the students themselves. Thank you Madison!

The following evening, I had the opportunity to go to Catalyst West, a conference for church leadership (or as Mary Jane described it, VBS for adults). I have wanted to go to this event for years but, as I have not been part of church "leadership", have not been able to. I was only able to go this time because Anna had to come back for an art festival event. She offered to let me use her pass for the evening because Chris Tomlin was leading worship and he is one of my favorite Christian artists. I literally jumped at the chance to finally go to this amazing conference. When I first walked into the sanctuary with Ben and Danielle, I could already tell the atmosphere was different than anything I'd experienced in quite some time. As worship started, I felt my heart opening like it hadn't in quite awhile. It was amazing to finally be able to worship my Creator, uninhibited and undistracted. With everything that I do at Calvary, it always involves worship. For the high school, college and young adult ministries, I run tech; for the Elevation service, I run lighting once in a while and am head usher so I always have those duties in the back of my mind during worship. I haven't really been able to fully experience the worship of my Savior in a long time. That night was incredible! The speaker, Louie Giglio, delivered a powerful message that resonates deep in the heart of all leaders. But for me, the greatest experience was the worship. Chris Tomlin is an amazing worship leader and man of God. He has a way of picking just the right songs for the response that is appropriate to the message. Worship leaders should be able to do this well anyway, but Chris just has so many songs that create the right mood of worshipful response. My soul felt completely overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit! It was especially therapeutic for me because I have been helping with the art show at Calvary this week. I helped Anna with setup and have been watching the art overnight since Tuesday (and will be tonight as well). In that time, I've actually only been home for a total of about 3 hours! It's not like I'm tired from all of that, at least physically; physically, I've had mountains of energy this week. I have felt a little drained mentally, but I've been on sort of an emotional high. It felt good to relax and worship in that room full of amazing Christian leaders. It was a truly amazing night of worship that I hope will not fade from my memory. Thank you Chris; and from the bottom of my heart, thank you Anna!

My soul yearns for that feeling again. I don't want this to be an annual thing; I should be feeling like this a lot more often than that! I'm not sure what to do about it, but I welcome any suggestions. All of this has led me to the conclusion that this is where God wants me to be. I've been contemplating and praying for a long time for God to show me where He wants me to go. I'd been out of a job for a year and a half before God finally provided the job at Calvary. Even though it isn't anything consistent right now, I'm praying it will lead to the job that I would love to have (and am actually pitching to leadership in just over a week). This all has shown me that God wants me to be here at Calvary and that I'm not being self-serving in pursuing more opportunities here. I love volunteering for anything that comes up and working with everyone at Calvary. For me, this is the ideal place to be and I can't think of anywhere else I would rather work (though I might have a job at Apple in the next couple weeks and am really looking forward to that if I can do both). As I type, I am still sitting in the Worship Center lobby because I just don't feel like leaving yet, even though I don't have to be here right now.

Again, thank you to Tommy, Madison, Chris Tomlin and Anna! You guys have had more of an impact on me than you may realize (especially Chris since I've never actually met him before) and I could never thank you enough for that! I know I have the most amazing friends in the world and I love you all!

Peace, love and soul.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Men, Women and Relationships

"You know, the right guy won’t get you to change. He won’t subtly pressure you. He won’t tell you who you can and can’t talk to. He won’t hide the fact that you’re hanging out. He’s not gonna tell you you’re wrong for feeling; for being a girl. The right guy will show you off to his friends. He’ll take it as slow as you want. He’ll only go as far as you’re comfortable with. He’ll take you out to places, even if it’s just a fast food place or the store. He’ll actually sit through your stupid, girly Disney movies with you because he just wants to be with you. The right guy will come along someday, you just gotta tough it out and wait for him. But whatever you do, don’t settle for the wrong guy. You deserve so much more."

Reading things like this make me sad. Not sad because I don't agree with it (because I do). But sad because it just simply isn't realistic, not for women that is.

You see, guys like this do actually exist in the world. Myself being one of them, I know what this kind of relationship ends up being: friendship. All these kinds of girls really want is to be your friend. And it's true, we make really good friends. We can go places, hang out, have dinner, etc. and have a dandy time. But as this goes on, the woman becomes complacent with this casual type of hanging out. This leads to an inherent decision that the guy is best suited to fill that role of a close friend, and nothing more. Whether or not the guy is interested in a deeper relationship (dating) or not is usually irrelevant as the woman will make this decision regardless (unless it was established at the beginning that dating would never occur). Even then, there's always the possibility of self-change and everyone can be there own judge to that (but don't bank on it!), but I digress. Whatever the individual circumstances, the guy will never be fully in control, which is okay cause that shouldn't ever be the case (that would be bad and you wouldn't be this guy).

But my point here is this: the guy that is described in the above quote, will most always end up stuck in the "friend zone". It's not our fault. We're the ones who sit here and listen and comfort and cry with you, even when our day has other important things in it. We're the ones who are always looking out for what's best for you, even when you don't realize it. We're the ones who put your needs before our own, even when you don't know it. We're the ones who choose to return that close connection, even when we could get it from another friend or already have it with one. We're the ones who are there when you need....well, anything. Cause that's the type of guys that we are. We are willing to drop everything because you are just that important to us. Now yes, the guy that does this is, 99% of the time, interested in pursuing a relationship much deeper than friendship (there's always exceptions). But the type of guy described above will even do this for certain friends. There is also the factor of his relationship with the Lord. A true man of God would be willing to give his own life for his fellow man and some carry this over into everyday "emergencies" that arise. Yes, we do have our own lives and we do manage to lead them just fine. We just choose to put your needs first at that time. Cause you are one of the most important things in our life and we would do anything for you.

Now, isn't that the type of guy that these women want? Give me your thoughts and comments.

P.S. I realized about halfway through writing this that it was starting to get really personal and some of this does come from personal experience. I have learned from talking with others and reading several articles that these opinions are shared by many others. This was simply meant as an additional commentary on the quote.

P.P.S. I am gonna try and blog more and am thinking of starting vlogging. Either way, I will have an update forthcoming on my current happenings and my Lent experience this year. Stay tuned!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Why do we rationalize sin?

The reality of sin is quite simple: Sin separates and sin destroys.

Sin separates us from God and from one another. Sin separates us from peace. Sin separates us from joy. Sin destroys family, relationships, community. Sin forges a wedge of hatred between cultures, denominations and political parties. Between interest groups, races and genders. Sin convinces us that we are right and everyone else is wrong and that this distinction is more important than love. Sin numbs a heart until it no longer yearns after people—and eventually no longer yearns after God.

From an article,, written by mark steele, adapted from his

book christianish

From the blog of a friend of mine. Go check it out; she's pretty cool:

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


So I know I haven't blogged in a while (not that anybody will have noticed that) and I do have plenty I can talk about right now. There is a forthcoming blog that will explain the intricacies of what has been going on in my life as of late. The crux of this blog will be the fact that I am going to the cardiologist today. I'll give you more info on that in this coming blog. So for my couple readers, please be praying for me and you'll be hearing more about it in the coming days.

Peace y'all!

Friday, February 27, 2009

I'm broken inside...

A lot of stuff has been going on in my life over the past couple weeks. Crappy crappy stuff. I can't write about everything that's happened because I'm not supposed to talk about it.

My favorite songs have been "I'm Not Alright" by Sanctus Real and "Stained Glass Masquerade" by Casting Crowns.

I don't feel like doing much of anything right now. My emotions feel completely drained. I'm starting to feel this overall numbness to everything I do. I know there are people around me that care about me. I found that out on my birthday this past year. There's just part of me that doesn't fully believe it. I feel like I'm falling into this pit of despair that I don't want to get out of. I feel like my attitude.......actions........emotions.......every bit of myself that I exude into this world is unrequited.

I feel extremely blessed to not have had to go through some of the things my friends have had to endure. To tell the truth, I envy them. I wish...........that some of the things that have happened to them WOULD happen to that I could know that people really do care. The Bible talks a lot about blessing through suffering; that we who persevere through trials are to receive a crown of life (James 2:12 NASB). I'm not even thinking about a crown. I just want to feel..........something.

I've always felt like there's something wrong with me, medically. I'm pretty sure I'm ADHD. I don't mean that like when everyone says they might be "a little ADD" or something like that. I'm fairly certain I actually have adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. I've also had this feeling there's something wrong with my heart. I get these stabbing chest pains every now and then. It happened last week when playing volleyball after Bible study on Sunday night. I don't know what it could be and I don't know what to do. Honestly, I want it to be serious. Small heart attacks maybe....?

My body's clock and balance are way screwed up. I haven't been awake and outside in full daylight since Sunday. I've been getting up in the twilight hours and going to bed, but not falling asleep, until close to sunrise. It is now almost 11pm and I still haven't eaten anything today. Out of the past two weeks, I've had TWO days where I've had more than one meal. That doesn't count midnight meals at Denny's. I might as well be a vampire. (I'm reading "Eclipse", love it!)

I'm not gonna be in school much longer. I will probably be dropping out of Biola within a couple of weeks. I haven't been to a class in two weeks (sleep problem above). I can't see school helping me much right now.

I need to get a job. I applied to work at Disneyland but my interview isn't until March 27th. I need the money for my next problem.

I have to move out. My parents said at the end of last semester that I have to find my own place to live at the end of this semester. Who knows how that's gonna change when I drop out? I have a plan with my friends to rent a house together, but we all need steady jobs and cash flow. It's also gonna take coordination; it can't just happen.

I've been feeling very dead and I might as well be. Hanging out with my friends is the only thing that's allowing me to keep my sanity. It may not sound right to say, but God is not enough. He is not comforting me right now. I can't say that I'm mad at Him. Part of my life was spent being a very superficial Christian and I can't say I blame Him. Satan is at work around me........and that scares me. Scared because of what more he might do to me........or make me do to myself. I don't want to take the coward's way out........

I wish I didn't have siblings that looked up to me. They deserve so much better than what I've shown them. I pray that they do everything they can NOT to be like me. I pray they continue to love the same God I know loves me. I wish so much to be in His presence right now..........

Friday, January 9, 2009

Persistence pays off?

I was recently led to this blog by a friend and have enjoyed some of the insights given.

This most recent post particularly speaks to me as it has been something I have been struggling with as of late. I know Yahweh has something planned for my life and I can't help but wonder what He's waiting for. I'm more ready than I've ever been for a change in my life; at least, that's what I've gotten from my soul-searching.


I want to move out.....I need to move out.....I have to move out. My parents told me I need to find a place by June. I don't have a job yet but I'm working toward my career, finally. It's hard to look for a place when you don't know how much money you're gonna be taking in. I have so much on my mind right now too:

- I have people that want to hang out with me or that I want to hang out with cause I haven't in awhile. I also have a friend or two that I have to find time to meet so I can return items to them.

- I have things I need to take care of for school, this semester and next year.

1. I'm sick, and once I'm well I have to go back to Biola's Health Center to complete my
required entrance physical.

2. I have to finish my chapel make-ups before I can finish registering for my classes.

3. I need to get my application for next year out soon; I won't be at Biola next year :( .

4. Nothing I really need to do or anything I'm really worried about anymore but I just wanna
get this out for those of you interested in how my 1st semester at Biola went. I failed all of
my classes except for one, Psychology. At least it'll transfer as a GE requirement.

- I need to get to work on my Apple certification training.

- I have computers and things of that nature that I need to work on and get moved out of my room.

- I need to organize and clean up my room.

- I have stuff I need to get up on eBay to finally sell and get rid of. Eventually I'll get up a list of my stuff that I'm selling, maybe with links and pictures. I have stuff that little kids, pre-teens and even some teens and adults might enjoy (Pokemon or Yu-gi-Oh! cards anyone?).

- I need to look for a place. I want/need to move out with friends otherwise I'm not gonna be able to afford it or I'll end up living off credit, which is the last thing I want to end up doing.

- I'm concerned there might be something seriously wrong with my health. I've told my parents about this for a couple years and my dad just tells me it's a family thing and it's nothing to worry about. Doctors haven't said that it's anything. How are sharp, stabbing chest pains nothing to worry about? I'm not paranoid; I just want it to stop. Quite frankly, I want there to be something seriously wrong with me cause that would explain things.

- Along with my health problems, my sleeping habits are totally screwed up. I've been reading Twilight (which btw, I've been loving reading), and I think I'm becoming a vampire. All kidding aside though, most of my sleep has been taking place during the daylight hours. I fall asleep when it's getting lighter and wake up when its just about dark. I'm trying to change this but its difficult. This awkward sleep schedule creates problems with eating habits and in getting things done. It isn't very often, maybe 2-3 times a week, that I have more than one meal a day at a normal hour (meaning 2am meals don't count).

- For this problem I'll only name 2 songs and the rest is up to you:
1. "I'm Only Me When I'm With You" by Taylor Swift
2. "Hey There Delilah" by Plain White T's

- I also need to find a job. I've never let money be something that I worry about. I'm very firm in my belief that my Father will always provide for me and, so far, He hasn't let me down. The economy as it is now hasn't really changed my philosophy. Money is one of the reasons I'm not returning to Biola next year. I just need a steady flow of income. Unless His plan is for me to win the lottery lol.

I don't think I forgot anything in there. I'm so stressed right now and I need help. I don't know what I'm gonna do for some of these things. Some of my solutions are preliminary, some seem drastic; yet I'm very seriously considering them. I need someone to help guide me through this time in my life. There's a song I've been listening to lately and I love how it reminds me of Who will always be there for me. The song is "You're Not Alone" by Meredith Andrews. He's been here to help wipe away my tears. I still need someone to walk alongside me, to hold me accountable. I pray and pray and I'll continue to pray. Just as Yahshua says: "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened."-Matthew 7:7-8. So apparently persistence does pay off. And if you read this long post then you're very persistent as well. :)

Advice? Help?

Thursday, November 13, 2008


So I'm leaving in approximately 29 and a half hours to go to Mexico for the weekend and I'm worried about my fantasy football team.

(What did you think this was about?)

I should have a decently easy week but I'm nevertheless nervous about a couple of my choices. Here's a look at my starting lineup as of right now:

QB- Kurt Warner
RB- Frank Gore
RB- Marshawn Lynch
WR- Larry Fitzgerald
WR- Roddy White
WR- Antonio Bryant
TE- Kellen Winslow
K- Robbie Gould
D- Chris Gamble
D- Charles Tillman
DB- Josh Wilson
DB- Allen Rossum
DL- James Farrior
DL- Stewart Bradley

Looks pretty good right? The ones I'm kinda iffy on are Lynch, Bryant, and one of my defensive spots. Here's what my bench looks like:

RB- Tim Hightower, Jerious Norwood
WR- Anthony Gonzalez, T.J. Houshmandzadeh
D- Dhani Jones, D.J. Williams

I know that Williams is out for a couple more weeks so he isn't an option. I'm just not sure how good of a game Jones can have against the Eagles' offense. Bradley should have an amazing game against that terrible Bengals offense and Farrior also against a less than decent Chargers offensive line. Gamble and Tillman are locks as well on defense. Wilson and Rossum are their teams' kick returners and have had good games as of late. Wilson is facing a Cardinals special teams unit that gave up the return for a touchdown by Rossum on Monday night. Are either of them worth benching for Jones?

On the offensive side, Warner and Fitzgerald are locks for a huge game against a shoddy Seahawks defense. Roddy White should have fun with a terrible, injury-laden Broncos secondary. Gore should run all over the Rams (sorry Jackie!). Winslow is practically a lock for a big game against the Bills. Gould's just a kicker. But Marshawn Lynch has not had a 100-yard game this year; yet, he came close earlier this year against the Browns. Bryant has been hot lately and is facing a middle-ground Vikings defense. Norwood could have a good game against Denver as could Hightower against the Seahawks also terrible defense. But Norwood has to play behind Michael Turner and compete with White for catches. Hightower is now the starter for the Cardinals and has already tied their franchise record for TDs by a rookie (7). T.J. probably won't have a good outing against an amazing Philadelphia defense, though he did have a respectable game a couple weeks ago against a good Steelers defense. Gonzalez could have a good game against the Texans middle-ground defense now that Peyton is finally waking up but even that is iffy. Should I sit Bryant and Lynch, and if so, for who?

What should I do guys? Send me your thoughts....